Everyone knows my love for “Full House.” Upon looking back at the show that made my childhood so special, I’m pretty sure this was the first show that started my obsession with television; so you can blame my TV-colored glasses on “Full House.” Yes, the show was corny and (in my case) cringeworthy when it came to a lot of Michelle scenes (I fast-forward through most of her scenes) but at least it’s a show that the family could watch together. In today’s world of nothing-on-TV-but-dramas, I can’t think of one show where you can do that.

It was also the first show where I actually cried over a breakup of a fictional couple. Now the fangirl that I am, I cry when any of my favorite couples breakup, and/or (in many cases) one of them dies. I still remember that episode when D.J. & Steve climbed up a mountain together and then everything went downhill from there. And D.J., with tears in her eyes said her final words of that breakup with, “I’ll be OK.”

After binge-watching all 13 episodes of “Fuller House” with my mom for 6 hours straight the day it came out on Netflix, it brought back all the good feels. So here are some of my reactions of what I thought was, for the most part, a fitting reboot. Or, according to Jeff Franklin & the cast of “Fuller House,” NOT a reboot.

Most Surprising:

  1. Jodie Sweetin back as Stephanie Judith Tanner

I always said that Jodie had the best comic timing out of the 3 daughters; I remember reading an article where John Stamos said the same thing. She was a natural starting at age 5. Turns out, she still has the best comic timing. After all she has been through in real life (drug rehab, multiple marriages and kids), I was worried about her the most. She also hasn’t done much acting since “Full House” and I was certain she and Andrea Barber would have a tough time getting back in the groove of things. However, I could not have been more wrong. From the first moment Jodie walked into the kitchen for her first entrance, she WAS Stephanie Tanner; it’s like she never left. Unlike the other cast members, she never broke character. I was also shocked to see that she was much better with D.J.’s kids than Candace was (and in real life, Candace is the poster child for most perfect mother with the best family ever).

Where Stephanie Is Now: She’s a struggling singer who also “D.J.’s” on the side. SPOT ON. Though I kinda wish she ended up as a dancer (she danced in real life as a kid), because of the way she grew up, and her body type (let’s not discuss those big boobs she had done), I can understand why they didn’t go the dancer route. At least she did end up doing something in the music and arts industry.

Stephanie’s Best moment: In what may have not been scripted, D.J.’s baby kept looking up at the ceiling. She took his lead and decided to do it with him. It was a great bit. I wonder if Jodie ad-libbed some lines in those scenes. After all, you never know what babies will do next on camera!

2. Harry’s Return

Aww, talk about a big surprise! I read spoilers before watching “Fuller House” (I couldn’t help it) but there was never one on Stephanie’s first husband returning! Even though a different actor played Harry (bummer the original kid said no), he’s still such a cutie! Even though those two don’t have much in common now, is it wrong that I kinda wanted Harry & Stephanie to be hubby and wife for real this time?! After all, the guy would be good for her.



1. Kimmy Gibbler & Family

They spent WAY too much time on Kimmy Gibbler. What happened to the good old “Full House” days when she would pop her head in a couple of scenes and leave?! It was pretty clear that Andrea Barber doesn’t act anymore. She did her best I suppose, but she was trying WAY too hard to be funny. Her overacting got old after a couple of episodes, and her annoying ex (and then husband again) was even worse. Her daughter did remind me of Kimmy when she was younger, so it was good casting. I could have done without Kimmy altogether. She didn’t annoy me this much in “Full House.” After all, my favorite line she ever said was, “Speaking of grips. You boys better get one.” I miss the old Kimmy Gibbler.


2. The last episode

Jesse & Becky renew their vows and not even their own twins show up?! I guess they forgot that Danny was also Jesse’s brother-in-law and he didn’t show up either. Yeah, yeah, I know. Bob Saget was doing a Broadway show and had scheduling issues.

My other issue with the last episode is that they spent way too much time on Kimmy’s wedding that Jesse & Becky got pushed aside and ended up leaving. And by the way, why did D.J. choose neither of those guys?! Thank God this show already got picked up for a second season because, you know, D.J. & Steve forever.

3. Danny & Joey’s Lack of Storylines

I know “Fuller House” is really supposed to be about the kids as well as D.J., Stephanie and Kimmy, but seriously. All they could do with Danny Tanner’s character was for him to come back and take a selfie with their couch?! It wasn’t even the same couch from the original set. He’s the father for pete’s sake! “Full House” started with him. I do appreciate though that he got the very first line of “Fuller House.” D.J. always had such a special relationship with her dad (they were the closest) and those two had one measley little scene together. At least Stephanie made him that rad Dad jacket. Oh, and why in God’s name is Danny married to some young woman who acted kinda slutty?! Not even a mention of Vicky?! Because everyone knows those two should’ve ended up together. That was an outrage.

All we know about Joey is that he lives in Las Vegas and has a much bigger Mr. Woodchuck. No, that’s not a metaphor. However, did everyone catch that wedding ring he was wearing?! Or was that his wedding ring in real life he just didn’t take off? As usual, Dave Coulier got gypped again. Out of the 3 guys, “Full House” did always give him the least amount of storyline possible; we really didn’t know THAT much about him anyway. Well, at least the guy still hasn’t grown up in “Fuller House.” No surprise there. And quite surprisingly, he’s aged rather well!

Props to Joey though for locking up the kids’  cellphones in a drawer and breaking out the water guns and board games. And it worked! Love him for that.

4. John Stamos playing…John Stamos

John Stamos prides himself in telling everyone that “Fuller House” was mainly his idea. After all, he’s the one who first announced this was going to happen on Jimmy Kimmel. Um…Jeff Franklin is the creator and writer. He’s the one who really did this. Not John Stamos. So, since John made himself a producer, he apparently got to do whatever he wanted. Besides saying his catchphrase, listening to an Elvis song, and singing “Forever,” we didn’t see as much Jesse Katsopolis as we could have. Other than that cute scene with the baby (Uncle Jesse was always a sucker for babies), wasn’t he just playing himself?!

Maybe it’s just me who has a problem with John’s ego. He also said the scene where the cast looks at the camera after Danny mentions Michelle’s absence was his idea, too. Whatevs. And he was the first to announce a second season. Whatevs again. Letting go…

5. D.J. & Steve’s occupations

I was on board with Kimmy becoming a party planner. And Stephanie becoming a musician/DJ, but D.J. ended up becoming a vet?! I’m not sure where that came from. Although, after”Full House” ended, I really did think she would end up becoming a doctor. She had the smarts. I’m just not sure how the vet thing came about. Was she even that close to Comet as a kid? Michelle for sure was. Michelle becoming a vet is definitely more believable.

Oh, and Steve became a podiatrist?! What the—? Was this just a nod to Kimmy’s stinky feet that were always made fun of in “Full House?” It would’ve been even funnier if Kimmy became a podiatrist. But alas, the writers don’t ask us fans. I personally thought Steve would end up a big shot in L.A. After all, he was so excited to be there when his film teacher asked him to go (as stated in that sad episode when D.J. & Steve broke up). That would’ve made more sense.

6. The “costumes”

Was there no costume designer? Did the actors get to wear what they wanted? ‘Cause it sure looked that way. Even though I have strong liberal beliefs, I dress conservatively, so people who know me won’t be surprised by this comment. This is supposed to be a family show. I was prepared for the revealing tops with Stephanie because she ended up becoming the wild one (plus, Jodie obviously had a boob job) but I was disappointed in D.J. the most. She’s supposed to portray a decent veterinarian mother; so why was she wearing stiletto heels around the house? And that slutty black dress she wore in the second episode? She’s a widow–not a 15-year old teen. The one good thing I could say about Kimmy? Her outfits were decent (in that they weren’t revealing).

Best Moments:

  1. D.J. & Steve

Why all the Steve hate?! Why am I reading online that everyone is Team Matt?! Yes, D.J. was too good for Steve (maybe still is), but they were each other’s first love. Have a heart, people. They were by far one of the best (and one of my favorite) high school couples on TV. These two just took me down memory lane from the moment Steve set foot in the living room again. And how did Steve get so funny? Props to Scott Weinger for being a comedy writer on TV (Did you know he writes for “Galavant” & “The Muppets?”). He knows funny. How about next season, Scott writes a”Fuller House” script?! I’m all for that. Plus, the reenactment of the scene from “Ghost” was one of the best scenes of the series. Candace & Scott still have such great chemistry. It’s hard to believe they’re not together in real life. Such sweethearts. #TeamSteve

2. The Olsen Twin jabs

You knew they had to do it. And wow, more than once. By the way, did people really even miss Michelle?!

3. D.J.’s kids

Honestly, I wasn’t too happy when I read that D.J. would have 3 boys. I smelled trouble. But I could not have been more wrong. All 3 of her boys are the cutest and fit right in with the cast. Not as annoying as I thought! And the middle child is JUST like Stephanie. I can’t wait to see more of them!

Biggest Tearjerker:

When Stephanie told D.J. that she is unable to have kids. Woah, what?! I wasn’t expecting that. Although, I never pictured Stephanie with kids. But like I said, in “Fuller House,” she’s great with D.J.’s. I guess they wanted one of the girls to not end up with kids (like Joey). Although from what I read, the show’s creator (Jeff Franklin) says Joey does have a family in Las Vegas but hasn’t been mentioned (yet).

This scene was so genuine and real. Both of these ladies had real tears in their eyes at the same time. That never happened in “Full House.” Candace was always the better crier. And if I have to choose between the two, she still is. This was such a sad, yet heartwarming moment when Stephanie really admits that she fell in love with D.J.’s boys. I guess it’s Cool Aunt Stephanie forever. Though I wouldn’t put it past her if she looks into adoption (if the show continues). Fans want Kimmy to serve as the surrogate mother. But I hope they don’t go there.
