“Oh Mylanta!” Another season of “Fuller House” already?! Didn’t they just do the first season?! That’s what I kept saying to myself while watching season 2. Whoever heard of a show that did two seasons within a year? Crazy. But that’s how this cast is. Crazy in love with each other and crazy for this show that they just can’t wait to do more.


It was a season of seasons. Like for real. They did a whole season that included our favorite holidays of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years. And I’m happy with that because original show lacked holiday episodes, with the exception of Christmas.

After binge-watching all 13 episodes of “Fuller House” with my mom for 6 hours straight the day AFTER it came out on Netflix (thanks Mom for making me wait until you visited me), it brought back all the good feels yet again. And we needed this show after such a rough 2016. It’s nice to see a fun show like this bring this god-awful year to a close on a happier note.

So here are some of my reactions of what I thought was, for the most part, another great season.

P.S. Forget what the critics say. Forget the little 1 and a half stars on Netflix. Yes, the show is corny. “Full House” was created that way to begin with. So quit your belly-aching. Enjoy life like these quirky characters in this big house do.


Most Surprising:

Dave Coulier directed an episode.dave

Say what?! This is his first directing gig and I never thought he’d be interested in something like directing, but I gotta say. Good job, Dave! Our Joey has indeed grown up (well, just a little).

D.J. & Kimmy’s Old Flames are Back!

I stayed away from spoilers this season because there was SO much I read from the first season that ruined most of the episodes. But aww, what a nice surprise that the original “whatever” guy came back (Dwayne sure has changed, hasn’t he?!) and now he’s a motivational speaker? Whatever. Still hilarious! And he still has a bit of shyness to him.

D.J.’s old beaus: So the Nelson guy was re-cast (I could tell that right off the bat), but wasn’t that the original Viper? I honestly couldn’t tell. If it is the original guy, he looks very different. Out of all the boyfriends D.J. had, I hated Viper the most. And it’s about time in this new series, D.J. was like, “What was I thinking dating that loser?” D.J. was way too smart for him. Nelson for the most part was a good guy, but all his money got in the way. And it still has. Now he’s as cocky as ever.

I don’t know where Nelson and Viper came from at D.J. & Kimmy’s high school reunion (they didn’t even go to that high school), but it was nice to see them have cameos anyway. I wouldn’t care to see any of these 3 guys again, but that’s what the last season of “Fuller House” was like. It was a whirlwind of new characters and quite frankly, not as strong.


Things that STILL Haven’t Improved from Last Season:


I know he’s supposed to be annoying like Kimmy. But 2 annoying people married to each other?! (or not married yet? I can’t keep track.) What is this, “Married with Children?”

This guy is such an idiot. And the fake accent is worse. He’s not a father or a husband. He’s a laughing stock. Get him out of the house. NOW.

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Danny’s Mysterious Wife

Come on now. I always saw Bob Saget’s Danny as the main character. But now in “Fuller House” he’s been downgraded to a next door neighbor who just pops his head in every once in a while (aka: Joey, Jesse and Becky). I mean, “the father” of the family remarried and no one seems to care or ask anything about his new wife? She’s D.J., Stephanie and Michelle’s stepmom for goodness sake! I honestly was shocked when we found out in the first season that Danny got married. I never thought he’d get married again. He came close with Vicky (STILL no mention of her?!), but I always saw him and Joey be bachelors forever. But then again, between the two of them, Danny was more marriage material.

Here’s hoping “Fuller House” gets picked up for a 3rd season and we get to actually get to hear more than the one sentence that came out of her mouth in the first season. Any woman who can put up with Danny’s obsessive cleaning disorder has to be some sort of saint, right?!

John Stamos: Out of Character Again

Is it just me or has John Stamos’s voice gotten higher than his “Full House” days? Maybe losing weight on top of that makes the voice go higher? OK, that’s probably a stupid comment. But he doesn’t even sound like Uncle Jesse anymore.

I will say his scenes with Becky helped him get more into character (praise to Lori Loughlin!) but as I mentioned from the first season, it was mostly him just playing himself. It’s obvious John hasn’t watched the original series in a LONG time; he’s even admitted it.

I just thought throughout most of this season, he had a “bad attitude” (as Michelle would say) about not wanting to have a kid. Hey, wait! He said that over and over again last season too! But out of nowhere, he announced at Thanksgiving dinner that he and Becky will be adopting a kid after all. Let’s be real. We all knew he would change his mind because he’s such a sucker for babies.

Yes, Jesse & Becky might be too old to adopt a baby, but maybe this will be their redemption from raising those two hellions Nicky & Alex. What losers. I mean, all they could come up with for Nicky & Alex is that they now own a taco truck?!


Stephanie’s Boyfriends

OK I get that the writers wanted Stephanie to have a steady boyfriend for once this season, but couldn’t they do better than Jimmy Gibbler?! I can only take so many idiots on this show; Kimmy and Fernando are enough.

One of the mysteries of “Full House” was that we never saw Kimmy’s family. I wish they wouldn’t kept it that way. “Home Improvement” never showed us Al’s mom did they? “Cheers” never showed us Vera. Why ruin a perfectly good mystery?

I might be biased because the actor who plays Jimmy also plays the same kind of character on “Switched at Birth.” He’s a dumb guy who dates smart girls. Either he’s a really good actor or he’s like that in real life. Who knows? But I really don’t care.

If “Fuller House” does get picked up for a 3rd season, no doubt he’ll be a regular. Ugh.

The only thing good I can say is that he was the inspiration for a cool song Stephanie wrote (and it’s on iTunes for real! Go Jodie!).


The Love Triangle

At least we learned that D.J. was originally going to choose Steve. Until he found C.J. (really, writers?! Other shows have done this exact storyline. Rachel dated a “Russ,” and Daphne dated a “Miles.”). I think we all know once D.J. and Steve gave each other that “look” right after Steve got engaged to C.J. that these high school sweethearts are definitely not over.

Matt? I’m already sick of. Yeah, the guy’s better looking, but that’s all he’s got. For you LOSTies out there, Steve is the Jack; Matt is the Sawyer. Truth. #TeamSteve



Most Improved:

The costumes

NOW we’re talking. As I said, this season was all D.J. and it was nice to see that she actually dressed like a mother of three for once. Even Stephanie, who was mostly criticized last season for wearing revealing outfits (“Yo, we get it, Jodie. You had a boob job) wore some decent outfits to keep most everything covered. Of course, there were a few dresses that both she and Candace wore that were way too short (Take a note from Kimmy for once!) in the last episode as well as the episode where they crash a wedding, but overall, good job. They either fired their last costume designer or they actually took the criticisms from fans seriously.

One thing I noticed about the costumes: What is with the costumer’s obsession with off the shoulder shirts? D.J. and Stephanie wore them constantly. Is that the style now?


Andrea Barber / Kimmy Gibbler

Finally, the woman calmed down a bit. Andrea was much more relaxed this season and wasn’t trying so hard to be funny. Because she doesn’t need to; her dialogue is funny enough. Even though I admittingly fast-forwarded through her scenes with Fernando (still can’t stand the man), I was able to at least tolerate her more.

Candace Cameron / D.J. Tanner

This season 2 of “Fuller House” was very D.J.-centric. And it should’ve been last season too if they hadn’t shoved Kimmy Gibbler so much down our throats. After all, it was established from the start of “Fuller House” that D.J. is the main character.D.J. had more of the wholesome “Mom-like” features (no more wearing slutty dresses while going out to clubs and drinking) and acted more “Danny Tanner-like.” She definitely took after her dad in the nerd and organizational aspect—as we all knew she would. She was closest to Danny than the other two girls. Like the typical oldest sibling, D.J. was raised right and knows how to take care of everybody.Candace definitely stepped it up this season by acting more like a positive role model for her family, friends and kids. Plus, I didn’t realize how FUNNY she could be! Way to show off those comedic acting chops, Candace! I’m so used to seeing her in serious roles from her Hallmark movies. I’m wondering if she learned a bit from Jodie. Stephanie kind of took a back seat this season (just by a tad), but Jodie just always had it when it came to being funny. It was a bit harder for Candace, but I think she’s finally found it!

The only complaint I had about D.J. this season was that for MANY episodes, she complained so much about not having a boyfriend. “I can’t pick Steve OR Matt now! What do I do with my life?” Dude. Your husband just died (and she never mentions him anymore). You still need time!

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Best Moments:

Another Olsen Twins jab

Just one this time. As they were praying at the table and D.J. mentioned Michelle, I was like, “Here it comes.” Jesse (or really, John Stamos, because who can tell?!) peeks out from behind D.J. and into the camera says, “Come next year! It’ll be fun!” At least he was nice about it this season. After all, he had to redeem himself after last season’s Twitter hate.

For God’s sake, people. The Olsen Twins are NEVER coming back. They have said goodbye to that acting lifestyle for good. And I can’t say I blame them. But OK, cast. Y’all keep telling yourself that.


New Kids on the Block

I mean, do I even need to say why on this? Candace & Andrea wanted them on the show since day 1 of shooting “Full House.” I’ve never actually seen bigger fans of theirs than those two. Even though I knew of the group but they were a bit before my time (get Backstreet Boys on next season!!), it was fun to see them. But mostly fun to see Kimmy and Ramona scream, “NEW KIDS ON THE BLOOOOCCKKK!”

By the way, did you know fans of theirs call themselves “Blockheads?” I sure didn’t until that episode. Cool name, though!


Stephanie’s Girl Talk Band Got Back Together Again (well, most of them)

I was SO excited about this that I literally clapped and cheered when Kimmy was like, “Let’s get Girl Talk back together!” That “Full House” episode is one of my all-time favorites. Mostly because they all sung my favorite song in middle and high school–Ace of Base’s “The Sign.” Unfortunately, they were missing one original member—the drummer who apparently “plays for Beyoncé” now. But who knows where the actual actress is now. However, D.J. made for a humorous drummer, so all was OK.I initially was excited that they were bringing Gia back. Here I thought she had changed her ways when Stephanie told D.J., “She’s a soccer mom, now!” But in the end, Gia ended up being the same bitch she always was. I knew girls like that in high school. “Hey, loser! Try this cigarette! People will like you better! And Stephanie once again fell for her ways when she was like, “I’ll meet you at happy hour later!”

The only thing I don’t remember from the original series is D.J. hating Gia that much. I remember Michelle made jabs at Gia when she could, but I don’t remember D.J. and Gia having hardly any scenes together in the original series. Even Danny dated Gia’s mom for a couple of episodes (What was that about?!). The only episode I can remember where D.J. might be getting so much hate towards Gia was that episode in “Full House” when D.J. ordered Stephanie not to go in a car with guys she and Gia met at the mall. Gia went cruising the guys and they ended up in the hospital. But in this new “Fuller House” episode, man, D.J. REALLY hated Gia. But she’s allowed. 


The scene with all 3 of our boys in the last episode.

Seriously. I would watch an entire series just with these 3 guys sitting around a fire talking. They could insult away and I would still be happy. Bob, John and Dave are gold when they are together. They’re like brothers in real life and you can definitely tell. Jeff Franklin knew what he was doing when he hired these three for the original series.


Kimmy & Fernando’s “I Love Lucy” Halloween costumes

I mean, why wouldn’t I put this in my Best Moments section? I appreciate anything having to do with my favorite show so near and dear to my heart. If only the kids they were performing for knew how great “I Love Lucy” was (and still is!)


Biggest Tearjerker:

Honestly, there wasn’t one this season. It was a happier season–probably because everyone was just so excited the show even got picked up for a season 2.

But I can think of a couple of scenes where tears might have been involved. Not by me, but my mom got a little misty-eyed. Of course, my mom cries at everything so take what you will from this.

D.J. talks with Stephanie about losing their mom.

Something we didn’t know from the original “Full House:” D.J. reminds Stephanie that when their mom died, Stephanie could not handle her grief, so she retreated to her room and wouldn’t talk to anyone for a while. D.J. then takes that example and compares it to Stephanie’s current situation of her fear of commitment. And that story somehow worked because Stephanie ended up not dumping Jimmy Gibbler (“Why, Stephanie, why??!”)

Jackson cries to Stephanie about “not fitting in.”

Preach, dude. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. It’s a bad case of Charlie Brown syndrome. I never expected Jackson to actually cry, but for a kid, he did a pretty good job. The only thing I didn’t like about this scene was that at the end of this sad scene, Jackson asked Stephanie to leave him alone. And she did.Um…you were a middle child, Stephanie. You know what it’s like about not fitting in. Danny, Joey and Jesse would never leave the girls alone after they’d been crying. They have to talk and hug it out first!
